Learn more in these videos

Learn to Write a Case Brief

Learn to break down and analyze cases, and communicate your analysis via a structured case brief, as law students and attorneys do. This will allow you to apply the rules and rationales of a case to other fact situations, as precedent.

Actus Reus

Actus reus is a necessary part of a crime. It is a criminal act, or omission to satisfy a legal duty.

The Law of Attempt

What happens if you try to commit a crime and fail? No harm, no foul? Or no harm, yes foul? Find out here.

Civil Law vs. Criminal Law

Civil law and criminal law represent two different worlds. Kind of like Rivendell and Mordor. Well, maybe not that drastic - learn to differentiate civil and criminal law here.

Constitutionalization - a word I did not just make up...

Learn how the Bill of Rights, which was written to apply to the federal government, was extended to apply to state and local governments.

Corpus Delicti

This phrase confuses many - but not you, after you watch this...

Criminal Law vs. Criminal Procedure

Here, we compare and contrast substantive criminal law with the rules of engagement in court, known as criminal procedure.

Mens Rea

Mens rea is criminal intent. What were you thinking when you committed that act, or failed to satisfy that legal duty? Inquiring minds want to know.

The Rule of Legality

When is a crime...not a crime? Apply the rule of legality, and find out!

The Second Amendment

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Learn about the Second Amendment here.

How to Ace Your Exam

One of my first videos, but still a classic! (Well, to me, at least). Check out this video to find out how I create exam questions! I want you to succeed!

Strict Liability and Vicarious Liability

If a Burger King cook drops your onion rings on the floor, then serves them to you dirty, is BK liable, even if the cook was violating its policy? Find out!